Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN

Typ Tytuł Opis Dziedzina Termin
Spotkanie festiwalowe What is Quantum cryptography?

I will start with the inception of Shor’s algorithm for prime factoring, which threatens the security of popular RSA encryption. RSA is used by banks, payment portals, etc to secure our transactions. Then, I will discuss two simple quantum cryptographic protocols, the famous BB84 and E91 protocols. I will also discuss some recent developments in quantum cryptography. If time permits, I will discuss the advancements on quantum internet modules developed between different cities across our globe and on space-based quantum communication.

Nauki fizyczne
  • ndz., 2023-09-24 11:00
Spotkanie festiwalowe Czy rozumiemy Wszechświat?

Wszechświat w największych skalach obserwujemy dziś w pełnym zakresie fal elektromagnetycznych, łowimy nadlatujące z niego cząstki takie jak neutrina, a od niedawna – dzięki falom grawitacyjnym – również go „słuchamy”. Tego rodzaju obserwacje – wsparte zaawansowanym modelowaniem komputerowym i interpretowane poprzez modele teoretyczne oparte na ogólnej teorii względności Einsteina – wskazują na bardzo peryferyjną rolę ludzkości na kosmicznej scenie. Mieszkamy w pobliżu przeciętnej gwiazdy na obrzeżach przeciętnej galaktyki. Co więcej, większość kosmicznej materii jest odmienna od tej znanej z życia codziennego i laboratoriów, i ma nieznaną nam dotąd „ciemną” formę. Jakby tego było mało, zachowanie Wszechświata w największych skalach napędza niezrozumiała „ciemna energia”. Opowiem o tym, jak doszliśmy do tak zaskakujących wniosków, i pokrótce omówię obecne i planowane wielkie projekty obserwacyjne, które mają nam pomóc zrozumieć, z czego tak naprawdę zbudowany jest Wszechświat.

Nauki fizyczne
  • ndz., 2023-09-24 12:00
Spotkanie festiwalowe Mysteries of Redshift: Unlocking the Secrets of the Expanding Universe

Redshift, a fascinating phenomenon in astronomy, has revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos. By observing the shifting of light towards longer wavelengths, scientists have been able to discern crucial information about the vastness and evolution of the universe. In this talk, I will embark on an exciting journey to explore the mysteries hidden within redshift. During the presentation, I will discuss the concept of redshift and its significance in

unraveling the secrets of our expanding universe. I will explain the fundamental principles behind redshift, including the cosmological redshift caused by the expansion of space itself. By understanding these concepts, we can decipher the age, distance, and composition of celestial objects, enabling us to construct a cosmic timeline.

Furthermore, I will discuss the crucial role of redshift in supporting the Big Bang theory and our current understanding of the origin of our universe. Through observations of distant galaxies and quasars, we can trace the cosmic expansion and infer the existence of dark matter and dark energy, two enigmatic components that dominate the universe's structure and dynamics.

Additionally, I will explore the diverse applications of redshift in cosmology, such as

measuring the rate of cosmic expansion, mapping the large-scale structure of the universe, and detecting cosmic microwave background radiation. These applications not only provide insights into the universe's past but also hold the key to predicting its future evolution. By the end of this talk, I will discuss the incredible scientific discoveries made possible by redshift measurements and the remarkable power of human curiosity.

Nauki fizyczne
  • ndz., 2023-09-24 13:00
Spotkanie festiwalowe Betelgeuse: Will Orion lose its one member?

Orion is one of the most easily spotted constellations in the night sky. The weird dimming and brightening of one of its “member” star Betelgeuse has kept the astronomers in hopes to see a galactic star go supernova in recent times. The last observed supernova was in the 1600s. So, what makes a star explode? It’s when it runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own mass or it accumulates so much mass that it exceeds a certain mass limit (ChandarShekhar Limit). In this talk, I will discuss how this happens. Is Betelgeuse really going to be a supernova and how will the sky look after it explodes? 

Nauki fizyczne
  • ndz., 2023-09-24 14:00
Spotkanie festiwalowe What Are Black Holes and How to Observe Them?

In this talk, we get familiar with the concept of curved spacetime in the theory of general relativity. We discuss the life cycles of stars and the formation of black holes and other compact objects. Ultimately, we explore possible direct and indirect ways to observe black holes. The audience will learn about recent scientific megaprojects, such as LIGO-Virgo and other gravitational wave observatories, as well as the very first image taken from a black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope (ETH).

Nauki fizyczne
  • ndz., 2023-09-24 15:00

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