Mastering Ritual Deception: An Introduction to the Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Capoeira


This presentation is about the learning process of Afro-Brazilian capoeira from an anthropological perspective. Despite being a global phenomenon practiced in more than one hundred countries, the transmission of knowledge in capoeira depends on the teacher-student relationship. In this sense, teachings privilege deception, not only as a body technique but also as a spiritual and mystic discovery. The presentation describes how practitioners learn the fundamentals of deception in a capoeira style called Angola, which, according to its leaders, stands as the most traditional and the closest to its African origins. It also argues that lessons go beyond the classroom, and capoeira leaders, called mestres, strive to educate students in the cosmological principles of the Angola style, which include the presence of different entities like the dead mestres, and African ancestors. Finally, the article argues that learning deception in capoeira, in essence, is about embodying a way of life in a holistic manner.

Typ spotkania: 
niedziela, 24 Września, 2023 - 17:00
Czas trwania: 
60 minut
Opis skrócony: 
The presentation is about the concept of deception in the Afro-Brazilian ritual of capoeira. It describes how deception is performed, taught by teachers, and shared among practitioners in Brazil.
González Varela
Miejsce spotkania: 
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa
Stara BUW, s. 106

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