ODWOŁANE/CANCELED_Superpower of Comics: Are Comics More than Entertainment?

The participants will engage in an intensive session of exploring and qualifying American superhero comic books, which have been long considered as child entertainment. While experiencing the literary status of the superhero genre through a brief set of exemplary titles such as Batman, Superman, and X-Men, the audience will form a collective analysis and critique of the superhero narrative. Following an introductory mini-lecture and a poll on their favorite superhero on the material, the participants will then answer rhetorical questions on why superhero comics can mean more than colorful costumes and superior physical strength. After the Q&A session, the participants will be assigned a superhero comic book material to work within small groups and share their findings with the rest of the audience.
Typ spotkania: 
sobota, 21 Września, 2024 - 17:00
Czas trwania: 
90 minut
Opis skrócony: 
In the session, participants will discover the socially responsible aspect of American superhero comic books through engaging questions and group discussions.
Ibrahim Mertcan
Miejsce spotkania: 
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa
sala 205, Stara Biblioteka UW

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